WP Robot

5 April 2012 6.978 kali Plugins

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Powerful autoblogging plugin for WordPress weblogs.

Automatically post Youtube Videos, Amazon Products, eBay auctions, Clickbank ads and much more to your blog without lifting a finger.

Lean back and let WP Robot blog for you!

WP Robot is an autoblogging and content curation plugin that allows you to create WordPress blogs without getting your hands dirty! By drip-feeding quality content related to any niche WP Robot makes sure your sites stay fresh and updated. Even when you are sleeping.

Thanks to regular updates, great support and unmatched functionality WP Robot has earned the title of best autoblogging plugin. Today the software is used on over 1 million WordPress blogs.

Go here to find more details and see the complete list of autoblogging sources in WP Robot.

A Long List Of Features

  • Scroll through our full list of features if you dare! Here are some of the most important facts:
  •  WP Robot works with all WordPress themes. We create the content for you, the theme defines how it looks on your blog.
  •  Find automatic content for any niche or keyword of your choice. There is no limit to your creativity!
  •  Lots of use cases: No matter if you want to create a WordPress autoblog, post curated content or enhance your blog with targetted images and ads, WP Robot has you covered!
  •  Drip feed new content to your blog in custom intervals or bulk add lots of new articles with a single click. Or do both!
  •  Powerful templates, automatic translation and integration with spinning software make it possible to create automatic unique content!
  •  Thanks to our international support you can use WP Robot for autoblogging in German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and many other languages!
  •  WP Robot is constantly updated and we make sure it always works with the latest version of WordPress. Since its first release there have been over 80 mayor updates.

Get WP Robot Now

WP Robot is available for an affordable one-time payment, followed by an instant download and backed by our unconditional 14-day money back guarantee. Join over 20,000 happy customers!

Click here to visit WP Robot.

Wprobot plugins

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